Thursday, 5 February 2015

WWE Unforgiven 2005 Review

WWE Unforgiven 2005 Review

Here we go with Unforgiven 2005. I haven't seen this show in full yet. I tried to watch it late one night, but I fell asleep. Anyways, on with the review.

Ah, classic RA era WWE Intro. How I love and miss you.

We open with a promo for the evening. Kurt Angle attacks John Cena, and tells Cena he's the most "vicious son of a bitch in the WWE". They both demean each other and set up the match well, and we move on to the show itself. 

Ric Flair Vs. Carlito - Intercontinental Title

Here we go with this match. Ric is looking pretty good going into this. JR, King, and The Coach are on commentary. Great Trio. Anyways, here comes Carlito, apple and all. A flashback of Carlito spitting apple at Ric is shown, and Flair retaliates. Back to the show itself. Ric Flair looks like he has Elite articulation. And they go for the lock up, but Flair struts off. Immediately, Ric puts him into a side headlock, but Carlito counters. They go on with some holds and grapples for a while, until Carlito knocks him down, and mocks Flair by strutting. Highlight so far: Jerry saying Carlito "has hair like a Brillo pad". And they go for the Greco-Roman knuckle lock, but Carlito hits a reverse elbow. My god. Flair might have just hit the loudest chip I've ever heard. They lock up again, until Carlito turns to some strikes in the corner. Flair, typically, pokes Carlito in the eye, but gets a clotheslined or his troubles. Carlito gains the upper hand, and begins to go to work, until Ric catches him with a chop again. Carlito sends him to the outside. Enjoyable match so far. Carlito has the upper hand again. Right now, it looks like he's going to work on Flair's shoulder. Carlito still has the upper hand, and is still working on Ric's shoulder. The fans are really behind Flair. He hits some chops, but Carlito throws him down and starts grounding and pounding on Flair. These "Let's Go Flair!" chants are really loud. Carlito is firmly in control right now. Carlito was pretty good in the ring. Shame WWE sort of gave up on him. Flair's back, and he starts dominating Carlito. Ric just came off the top rope successfully. Wow. These fans loved it. He goes again, but Carlito rocked him with a dropkick in mid-air. Near fall. Carlito had a six pack for a while until he became skinny fat. Flair locks in the figure four, and Carlito taps. Naitch wins! Impressive to see him go at that age. I believe he was about  58 when he won the belt here. Then again, I don't know for sure. Flair's got a mic. He thanks the fans and says he's honoured to be champ at this stage in his career. He's making out with the belt. Oklahama love him. He jumps the barricade, and kisses some women. He takes them over the rail. Carlito is approached by Todd Grisham, but he refuses. Ric has 3 women with him. What a pimp. And a fourth! What a mackdaddy. Good match.

Edge and Lita backstage

Edge and Lita are backstage, talking about their affair, and how they lied to Matt. Lita straddles Edge, and says she "wants to make him happy". Kinky.

Torrie Wilson and Victoria W/ Candice Michelle Vs. Trish Stratus and Ashley Massaro

Can I just take a moment to say that no diva to come into WWE has been hotter than Trish? Good god, what a woman. Anyhow, this match should be pretty good for a Diva's match. Victoria has had knee problems for years. Poor girl. They lock up, and Trish hits the head scissors. She hits a Lou Press and rains down the punches. Chop to the titty. Ouch. There's the tag, and here comes Ashley. She still has her hat on, somehow. Impressive. She was a pretty good wrestler, in all honesty. I'm kind of confused, was Torrie a heel in 2005? Anyways, Ashley just took a hard bump to the outside.  Landed right on her chin. And Victoria gains the upper hand. Ashley fights out, but Victoria sends her down again. Torrie starts to kick Ashley, and throws into the mat, face first. Ouch, knee brace to the face. Just gonna say again - Trish looks amazing. Hottest diva ever, easily. She gets the tag, but the ref didn't see it, and Victoria hits Ashley with a snap suplex. Ashley pushes Victoria while she's on the top rope, tags Trish, and in she comes. She hurricanrana's Victoria, punches Torrie, and hits Victoria with a headscissor. Spine buster by Stratus. Candice destructs the ref, but Ashley pushes her face first into the apron. Chick Kick! And Trish gets the win. Good match for what it was. Trish looked strong. And hot. Heh. Ric Flair is taking Viagra backstage. Incredible.

The Big Show Vs. Gene Snitsky

Show was pretty over here. He was also at his largest, too. I'm surprised he could wrestler here in this condition. Anyway, he's hanging with ZZ Top. Here comes Snitsky. One of my favourites from this time. I thought he was awesome as a heel. Anyway, Big Show instantly takes him out. Hip toss by Show. Big Show's toying with Snitsky like he's a child. And Snitsky is 300lbs. Snitsky tries to leave, but Show catches him. Snitsky hasn't gotten one successful hit on Show in this match. "Shhhh!" What chops from Show. Gene's chest is bright red. Snitsky now gains the upper hand. Now we see a recap of Snitsky hitting Show with the ring bell from 3 weeks ago. We didn't get to see it before because Show attacked him before it finished. Anyway, Big Show went for the Chokeslam, but Snitsky countered it. He just back suplexed Big Show. Impressive. He yelled like he was shot, though. Big boot from Snitsky takes down Show. Near-fall, but Show kicks out. New highlight: King saying "Snidky has a face only a plastic surgeon could love." Spine-buster from Show. Big Show just did a kip up. My god. That was incredible. Chokeslam, and we are done here. Decent match. I enjoyed it. Big Show was so big here. Damn. Now Show has the ring bell. I guess this is payback for what Snitsky did 3 weeks prior. Big Show wrecked him.

Shawn Michaels Vs. Chris Masters Promo

Honestly, I think Masters might have had a run with the World Title in 06, had he not got suspended and subsequently released. He was being pushed pretty hard in 2005. Promo shows how Chris' Masterlock has never been broken. Chris talks about how Shawn should move over, and challenges him to a match. It shows the recent events leading up to this match.

Kerwin White Vs. Shelton Benjamin

I wasn't really a fan of this gimmick. I thought it was pretty offensive. Okay, I'm kidding, I thought it was hilarious. Chavo pretending to be a middle-class white guy was pretty funny. Shelton was so great. I love that guy. So talented. Yep, Kerwin has the Lacoste logo on his shoes. Benjamin hits Kerwin before the bell rings, and here they go. Shelton gains the upper hand. Shelton is soooooo good in the ring. Seriously a great competitor. Kerwin now takes over. I dig Chavo in the ring. This match should be good. I remember when Chavo debuted this gimmick he said "If it ain't White, it ain't right", but he was made to change it to "If it ain't Kerwin White, it ain't right". That was probably a wise decision. Amazing headscissor by Ch-.. Kerwin, right there. Chavo gains the upper hand, and hits a monkey flip, but Benjamin lands on his feet. That was awesome. I think he hurt his knee, though. Yep. He's limping. Clothesline by Shelton. Drops Kerwin with the inverted back breaker. Two underrated guys going at it here. Chavo looks ridiculous with blonde hair, I must say. Shelton goes to the top, but Kerwin stops him and throws him off with an incredibly high superplex. Near fall. Single leg crab by Kerwin. He pulls Shelton away from the ropes, but Benjamin fights out, and catapults him into the corner. Kerwin grabs the golf club, but Shelton catches him with the T-Bone. What a wrestler. Great match. Shelton and Chavo had pretty good chemistry. We're now backstage with Matt Hardy. He says Lita is a bitch, and that he's going to make sure Edge doesn't wal away from the match.

Edge Vs. Matt Hardy - Steel Cage Match

Here we go with what should be a brutal match. Edge comes out, and he looks focused. Here comes Matt. Lita looks hella good, but anyway. Matt was in good shape in 05. Then again, this was before he became "Fatt Lardy". Edge is pulling a smile, but Matt looks pissed. They lock up, and start to brawl. Edge gains the upper hand. Matt rocks edge with a right to the chin, and again. He sends Edge into the corner, but he uses the momentum to try and climb over. Matt catches him, and starts to headbutt him until he falls back down. Edge tries to get the door open, but Matt drags him back in. Matt now has the headlock on Edge. Edge's gear in 2005 looked so sweet. Hardy still has the headlock. Edge pulls Hardy's mouth, and Matt relinquishes the hold. Edge starts punching Matt, and he now tries to escape, but he's stopped by Hardy. Matt hits a flying clothesline, and the fans love it. Goes for the Twist-O, but Edge throws him into the wall. Near fall and Matt kicks out. Now they're both in top of the cage looking for the escape. Matt brings Edge into the top rope, goes for the side-effect off the top, but Edge rams the back of his head into the cage. Edge now hits a missile-dropkick from the top, and hit Matt in the back of the head. Now with the elbows to the back of the head. Looks like he's trying to affect his head and give him a concussion. Probably because of the head injury he caused Hardy at Summerslam. Lita is looking in approval of her man. Edge is still going to work on the back of Matt's head, and he hits a boot to the side of it. Matt looks dazed and confused. Edge now drops him with the DDT, and goes for the cover, but Matt kicks out. Ouch. Edge just powerbombed Hardy into the wall. Edge was skinny fat in 05. As he was most of the time between 2004-2011. He was surprisingly ripped earlier in his career. Edge hits the boots to Matt's head and rocks him. He lifts him onto the top rope, and goes for the back suplex, but Matt fights out. He tries to climb up, but Edge grabs him and drops him with a huge powerbomb. Good grief, that looked rough. Edge crawls to the cover, but Matt manages to barely kick out. Hardy probably had some whiplash after that. Edge goes for the door, but Matt has his hands around Edge's ankle. Edge goes for the punch, but Hardy counters by biting him. Edge goes for the spear, but Matt sends him into the corner, and hits the side-effect. Edge is trying to climb out, but Matt has him. Lita passes him the briefcase, but Edge misses, and Hardy traps him in the ropes. The ref let's him out, and Hardy catapults Edge into the cage. He hits a bulldog on the briefcase, and sends Edge into the walls multiple times. Lita is now climbing the cage. I wouldn't do that if I were you, honey. Matt sends her back down, and now we see Edge is busted open. Edge is bleeding profusely. Now Hardy goes to work on Edge's head with repeated kicks. Lita checks on Edge, but he's out. Matt grabs the briefcase and tries to climb out, but Edge pushes the ref into the ropes and Matt falls in-between the ropes and the cage. Edge spears him and tries to escape, but he's met by Matt, who hits him with the side-effect. "Jezebel", as JR called her, grabs a chair, but the refs pulls it away from her. She gets in the cage anyway and breaks up the pin. She distracts Matt, but he hits her with the Twist Of Fate, but he's drilled with a spear with by Edge. Somehow, Matt kicked out. The fans are firmly behind Hardy. Edge is trying to escape, but Matt tries too. Kmart drives Edge's head into the steel, and throws him off. Matt is now on top of the cage, and looks down on Edge. He strikes the trademark Hardy Boyz pose, and jumps off with a huge legdrop, which gets him the win. Matt wins. What a match! That was awesome. These two took each other to hell. That was incredible. Amazing match. We see Edge's lifeless body next to Lita in the ring, as we fade away to John Cena i the trainers room with Eric Bischoff. Eric talks about how Cena is "gonna need a lot more tape than that after tonight" and how Kurt Angle is going to destroy him. Cena then puts some of the tape over Bischoff's mouth. Haha. That was pretty funny. We now see Edge crawling up the ramp. He somehow makes it to his feet, but falls down again.

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch Vs. The Hurricane and Rosey

Well, this should be a pretty good tag match. The Good Ol' Boys Vs. The Superheroes. Murdoch was one ugly guy, I must say. Anyhow, STAND BACK! Here comes Rosey and The Hurricane. Hurricane's blue gear looks awesome. New highlight: King saying "Rosey's blood type is Ragu". I just noticed Trevor Murdoch looks kind of like Joe Gacy. Anyhow, they lock up. Cade takes the advantage, and talks some smack to Rosey and The Hurricane. Hurricane jumps over Cade, then ducks under Cade, then strikes his pose and yells "Was' Up Wit Dat?" which surprises Cade. He makes the tag to Murdoch, who at first has the advantage, but gets struck with an elbow from Hurricane. Rosey is tagged in and throws his body on top of Murdoch. Rosey headbutts Murdoch, and he falls into the corner. Rosey then hits the running ass-splash, which seems to be a trademark for Samoan wrestlers. Murdoch then tries to get a kiss from Lillian, but Hurricane pushes him away and checks on Lillian, which costs him, as Trev' sets him up on the apron and sells him with a DDT to the floor. Rosey now takes control, and goes for the big splash on Cade in the corner, but Murdoch pulls him away. Doctors are coming down for Hurricane. That bump did look nasty. Rosey rolls to the outside, but he's met by Cade who hits him with some strikes and sends him back in. Murdoch goes for the pin, but to no avail, as Rosey kicks out. I guess Rosey's left on his own now. Rosey is hit with a double clothesline on the two, and Hurricane sees it on the titantron and runs down and tags himself in. He his some strikes, but Murdoch and Cade hit him with a clothesline-chop block combo, and they get the win, and we have new world tag team champions. We now see Ric Flair's limo. A woman steps out wearing his robe, and he yells "Space Mountain! Woo!" We now see Maria with Chris Masters. She asks him why everyone calls him "The Masterbate". I got a good chuckle out of that. Then Masters says "the heartbreak kid is finally gonna get broken". We now see his entrance. Masters is striking his poses at the top of the ramp. What a man. Ripped as hell. The fans however, don't approve. His blond highlights suck, though. Here comes Shawn. I gotta say this right now: I'm a huge Michaels fan. The fans love him here, too. He's kneeling on a carpet. Fun fact: They had to do that because his crazy gear kept getting caught in the ramp. True story. Shawn strikes his pose, but Masters comes up behind him and locks in the Masterlock before the bell rings. He now goes for the cheap shots, but Referee Jack Doane tries to stop him. Chris goes for the Masterlock again, but Shawn wiggles out. He tries the offence, but Chris throws him into the corner. Clothesline by Michaels that sends The Masterpiece over the top. Shawn hits the cross body over the top, and starts punching Chris in the head. He now hits the chops, and sends Masters into the steps. Michaels is still chopping away at Chris's chest. He now grabs the chair, but the ref stops him, and Masters gets the cheap shot and the upper hand. Masters grabs Shawn, and powerbombs him into the post twice. Looks like Masters is going to work on the back. I gotta say it again - Masters's dye job looks awful. Rene Dupree did the same thing in 2005 and it looked just as bad. Seriously. Awful look. Anyhow, back to the match. Masters still has control, and hits Shawn with a Backbreaker. Masters now has the Backbreaker submission in on Shawn. I'm not sure what to call this. For lack of a better term, let's call it a modified torture rack. Shawn now however, is fighting back. He runs into the ropes, and goes for the crucifix, but Masters catches him, and tries for the Masterlock, but Shawn again gets free, but Masters now picks him up and puts him into an actual torture rack. Masters was such a specimen. Damn. It's not over, though, as Shawn begins clubbing Masters in the head, and he goes for the Sunset Flip, but Masters kicks out, and wrecks Shawn with a lariat. Masters is bleeding from the nose, but he grabs Shawn, and throws him back down with a Military Press. He's now signalling for the Masterlock, but he hasn't got it locked in. Shawn grabs the ref, and hits a mule kick on Masters that drops him to the ground.  Both men are down as the ref begins the ten count. They begin exchanging blows, until Shawn flies off the ropes with a forearm. He nips up, and hits the classic HBK combo of Inverted Atomic Drop, Clothesline, and Big Elbow. Shawn starts to tune up the band, and goes for the kick, but Masters ducks, and locks in the Masterlock. He's got Shawn trapped. Michaels is trying to get free, but to no avail. The fans are cheering for Shawn, but he's fading away. Shawn manages however to jump over the top rope, and onto the apron, forcing Masters to break the hold. Masters berates the ref, and goes over to Shawn, but HBK pulls him throat first over the top rope. Shawn slowly rises to his feet, and begins to scale the top rope, but he's caught be Masters, and tries for the Masterlock, but Shawn gets out, and ends it with Sweet Chin Music. Another awesome match. Shawn fought hard, and it paid off with the win. Really good match.

Kurt Angle Vs. John Cena - WWE Championship

Kurt Angle takes on John Cena here. These two should put on a good match. But first, we're back at Ric Flair's link, where the girls are leaving, and his ass is fully exposed. That's not exactly something I wanted to see. He tries to woo, but he flops straight to the floor. Classic. Anyhow, Kurt Angle Vs. John Cena. We see a promo featuring Y2J Vs. John Cena in a "You're Fired!" match from the RAW after Summerslam. Cena beat Jericho, but after the match, Angle came in and destroyed him. We now see the events that lead up, and they begin their entrances. Cena is insanely over. Angle wasn't, then again, he is a heel. New highlight: JR calling Coach "stupid". Anyway, they lock up, and Angle gets the upper hand, but he's met with punches from Cena, which causes Kurt to retreat to the outside. Angle now has the hammerlock in on Cena. Cena now takes over with the headlock, however. Angle once again retreats to the outside. Strong chants of "Angle Sucks!" can be heard throughout the arena. Kurt now rolls back in, and goes to work on Cena. John however body slams Angle, and gains the upper hand himself. Cena hits the side slam, but Angle gets up and hits the German, throwing Cena right on his head. Angle now has the upper hand, and traps Cena in the body scissors. Angle looked really tanned in 2005-mid 2009. He got considerably paler in late 2009 in TNA. I wonder if he fake tanned? Anyhow, Cena is to his feet, and he hits Angle with a DDT. Both men are down, they use the ropes to make it to their feet, and begin exchanging rights. Cena now scores with the clotheslines, and hits the shoulder blocks. He then pulls off a suplex, but Kurt kicks out. He picks Angle up for FU, but he rolls through into the ankle lock. Cena gets out, rises to his feet, and delivers a spinebuster to Kurt. Cena again goes for the FU, but Angle counters and hits the Angle Slam. He goes for the pin, but Cena kicks out. Angle gets up, yells and goes for the ankle lock, but Cena counters and hits a sit-down slam, and goes for the Five-Knuckle Shuffle, but Angle gets the kick out. Angle gets up in the corner, but Cena goes over and tries the Irish whip, Kurt counters and goes for the clothesline, but Cena ducks, and Angle hits the ref. Cena goes for the FU, and hits it, but with no ref, and his a low blow, grabs the medal, and hits Cena in the head with it. He hits a  knee drop on the ankle, pulls the straps down, and locks in the ankle lock. Bischoff comes down and gets in Cena's face, screaming "Say Goodbye!" whilst holding the title. Cena makes it to the ropes, but Bischoff kicks his hands and Angle pulls him away. Cena rolls out of the ankle lock, and sends Kurt flying into the ref. He the hits Kurt with the belt, but the ref saw it, and Kurt wins via DQ. However, Bischoff grabs the mic, and says that Cena cannot leave with belt. Cena then picks up Bischoff, and hits him with the FU, but he's attacked by Angke afterwards, and Angle is unrelenting. He takes Cena over to the Spanish announce table, and sets it up for something. Cena is down and out, and Angle goes for the  Angle Slam, but Cena counters it, and FU's him right through the table. Angle, bleeding from the mouth, is now down and out. Cena's music hits for the second time, and he celebrates in the ring. With both Angle and Bischoff out, Cena is left standing tall. Great match. Ending however, was a little confusing.

All in all, this was a solid show. Every match delivered, and I was happy with all the outcomes. Main event was a little confusing towards the end, but that didn't take away from the match itself. Very enjoyable show. Match of the night, for me, has to go to Hardy Vs. Edge. Sheer brutality.

Tune in next month, when I review No Mercy 2003! Only at this very blog!


  1. That was a fun read, I still remember watching that cage match. Some good stuff there. You should review No Way Out 2001 or WCW Greed soon :P

    -TD Dylan D. Dylan

  2. Eventually I'd like to review every WWE show from 2000-onwards. Thanks!
