Davey Richards Vs. Kyle O' Reilly - PWG - Is Your Body Ready? Review
This was a very nice match, I must say. Funny at times, too. Best spots of the match for me were the kicks on the chairs, Muta Lock into the pin, and Davey's back heel kick. Throughout the match we saw Davey and Kyle constantly rotating their hips, a reference to their match at All Star Weekend where they both teamed with Joey Ryan in "Team Statutory". Another funny spot was when Davey had a Cloverleaf locked in, and he spanked Kyle. The fans were really into this match, made evident by the "Sleazy Kyle" and "Sleazy Davey" chants. The kicks in this match were very nice. These two men mainly use kicks instead of punches, and it was really fun to see. There was a very nice exchange in the middle of the match which involved a flying forearm from Kyle, a kick to the chest by Davey, a German by Kyle, and then a double footstomp from Davey. Highlight of the match for me was Kyle going for the leg sweep, but Davey caught him with a kick to the top of the head. Back and forth was extremely good. Kyle's Regalplex was awesome. Eventually, the fans started calling Kyle "Autoparts", and we even got an "O-O-O-O' Reilly!" chant in the middle. The finish of this match was really satisfying, too. Davey ended up tapping out to an O'Reilly armbar after an impressive sequence from Kyle, which featured a rising knee, forearm smash, tornado DDT, and a brainbuster. We also saw Davey give Kyle his seal of approval afterwards. Great match.
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