Saturday 28 March 2015

Eddie Kingston vs Mike Quackenbush - CHIKARA Grand Championship (Review)

Mike Quackenbush vs Eddie Kingston - CHIKARA Grand Championship (CHIKARA High Noon)

Easily my favourite Chikara match ever. Here we go.

Awesome to hear the "Sweet N' Sour" chants. And they lock up. Kingston gets the upper hand, but he releases. They lock up again, and Quack transitions into the hammerlock, but they release again. They lock up again, and Mike transitions into the armlock. They once again lock up, and Mike continues to go to work on the arm, but Eddie grabs him and hits a huge tree trunk slam. Quack slides to the outside, and slams the knee of Kingston on the ring. Eddie sends Quack into the turnbuckle, and clotheslines him on the apron. He goes for the suplex again, but Mike managed to slide out and once again slam the knee against the steel frame of the ring. Once again in the ring, Quack now puts a submission on the right knee of Kingston, and then drops the elbow on the knee, Eddie locks in the sleeper, but Mike gets out and goes to the knee again. Eddie goes for the armbar, but Quack gets in the stomp on the knee. Quackenbush continues to go to work on the knee. Quack now locks in the grapevine reverse ankle lock, but Eddie reaches the ropes quickly. Quackenbush pokes Eddie in the eyes, which is rather uncharacteristic. The locker room is now emptying. 3.0, Steve "The Turtle" Wiener", and Dasher. Eddie hits the Yakuza, but he can't capitalise, and Quack locks in the figure four. Kingston hits the lariat. The Bucks, The Colony, Hydra, Sara Del Rey, and The Batiri are out now, among others. Eddie goes for the backfist, but Mike hits the black hole slam. Mike now goes for the Lightning Lock, but Eddie reaches the ropes. Quackendriver 3, but Eddie kicked out at 1! Holy shit! Mike hits a double stomp to the knee. Is that Mr Fucking Zero at ringside? Lel. Mike's on the top rope, goes for the double knees, but Eddie moved, and now Kingston goes to work on the leg. Both men are now on the rope ropes and exchanging shots. Mike sends Kingston off, but Eddie hits the backfist to the future on the knee! That was dope. Kingston now locks in the Congo Clutch, and grapevines! What a match. Mike reaches the rope. And now they're trading shots, and Kingston tells Quackenbush to bring it, but Eddie hits him with the clothesline, and not one, but two backfists to the future! And there's the pin! Eddie did it! What a match. I can't fault it. You could feel the emotion. It told such a great story. Holy fuck. What a match.

I'm giving it 5 stars. Fuck it. That was incredible!

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